Reflections that fade away
On the shores of solitude
Wiedersehen, Dear Life!
The gentleman is not yet aware of hair-metal, and thinks Lars can actually play faster and heavier than Portnoy!? Whatever that means. Not to mention he apparently has more Metallica than any of us can have in this lifetime. A whooping 700 mb!! Umm, yeah, thats mb, not gb.
Where did I meet this character? On orkut obviously, thats my place to roam around. I have been recently told that Megadeth covered Battery, and that all of us (me and a couple of other people trying to convinve him that 'deth never did such a cover) are assholes, and that we don't know shit about Metallica or music for that matter. The reason all this was, because he got it from.. Limewire. The self-proclaimed "Ultimate downloader" has a young sister! Err, no, nothing like that.. she is just 10, and she too was laughing on.. 'us' for having no knowledge about Metallica. Mit apparently is listening to Metallica for 5 years now. And has around slightly over 5 albums. Ah yes, you might be wanting to read another of those priceless quotes by now!
That happened, when I was inquiring from him that if Metallica ever made a music video for Fade to Black. I just wanted to save these hilarious quotes, hence the post. Finally I'll leave with a bunch of more 'priceless quotes'.
Selling copies makes a band good, Linkin Park certainly deserves a mention here. Better than 'deth? Someone shoot him! Crowd goes wild in Metallica concerts? Certainly. Doesn't happen with other bands? I'll leave for anyone and everyone to decide who has seen or know of any concert of.., say, Lamb of God, Megadeth or any major band for that matter.